Saturday, February 12, 2011

Booklover meets true love

This week, I decided to try a site that I'd heard a bit about, but had not yet explored - PaperBackSwap.
First, I went through my bin of books that I had not found space for on my bookcase in over a year since I had had to empty it for work on the living room.  I posted my first ten books, then 9 more.  I ordered a book with my two credits I got for joining and posting my first ten books.  Since Tuesday, I have posted 46 books, mailed out eight of those to other members, have another six pending requests I need to mail out, and have received a book I requested.  Not bad.  The cost to mail out each book has averaged over $2.50, more than I expected, but that's ok, because I'll receive other books in return. 
This has given me a great chance to declutter.  As of tomorrow, that bin, a 55 gallon rubbermaid container, will be emptied and likely back in the attic.  Next step will be the other boxes that I think are lurking in the basement since we moved in June 2008.  Yay!  I love my books, I love to keep books I have read and enjoyed, but not every book I read needs to be kept, and not every book I receive ultimately holds my interest and gets read. 
So in addition to the three books I have posted that I am currently reading, I now have two others on my to-read list - one from PBS, the other purchased from Amazon with some gift cards.  I'll post my book reports as I finish the books. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

We interrupt this blog...

Hmmm, haven't posted in a while.  Not because I have stopped reading (I'd have to be dead first), nor because it's February and I've given up my resolution.  I just had trouble finding something to read.  After I finished the Kite Runner, I tried two books that I put down within 10 pages, knowing I couldn't finish them.  Then I skipped around, and currently I am reading three books at once - The Lying Stones of Marrakech by Stephen J Gould which is in hardcover, The Simple Dollar by Trent Hamm, on my Kindle app on my computer/phone, and Body Clutter by Marla Cilley and Leanne Ely in audiobook form on my iPod.  I'm behind, but a couple of other books in my collection have caught my eye.  I also may have found a source for additional books at very low cost.  When I have evaluated my discovery, I will post a report here. 

Love and a yummy cup of decaf pumpkin spice tea in my Tigger mug,
